110 Pounds and Counting – Three Meals A Day
300 Pounds Down -- Controlling Our Thoughts
At Goal Weight Watcher -- We Are All Different
CurvyFitGirl -- Day 1 of Experimentation.
Debby Weighs In -- So How's That Diet Going?
Fit to the Finish – What's Your Weakest Link?
Fixing Myself Happy -- So Much TimeCurvyFitGirl -- Day 1 of Experimentation.
Debby Weighs In -- So How's That Diet Going?
Fit to the Finish – What's Your Weakest Link?
Garden Girl – Lunch time walking at work--try it!
Half Size Me -- Tune in for the Latest Podcast
It Sux To Be Fat -- Hovering
Jack-Sprat.net – Stepping Stones
Keeping off 200 lbs -- Fitness Goal Results
Keeping the Pounds OFF -- Don't be Held Hostage in the name of Hospitality
Lap Band Gal! -- Weigh-in Day
Losing 147 -- Weigh-in
Lynn's Weigh -- "I must have done something good."
Maintain My Weight -- So You Want to Start Cycling?
Myra's Journey -- Declare a Fast?
Paleo Mom -- A New Study has the Media Buzzing about Gluten. Again.
Poonapalooza -- Weight-loss and running goals
Prior Fat Girl -- Taking guess work outta next week's heathiness.
Refuse to Regain -- Circadian clock linked to obesity, diabetes and heart attacks...
Roni’s Weigh -- The Screw-Today-I'll-Start-Over-Tomorrow Mindset
The Anti-Jared -- Because I Owe You One Dance
The Fit Bee -- Maintaining a Large Weight Loss Part 2
Undressed Skeleton -- Workouts, Dinner & Protein!
welcome to my world -- Visual Ideas
Fitness Maintainers
MetamorFit -- Pushing our Luck: March Push-up Challenge!!
MizFit -- Fitness Mission Statements
Tracy Reifkind's Training Food and Thought -- Times Have Changed, and Times are a Changin'. It's Time!
Weight Off My Shoulders -- *Virtual* Half at the Hamptons...
Healthy Cooking Maintainers -- Caution possible cravings ahead!!
Can You Stay for Dinner? -- Strawberry Banana Pancakes
Finding Radiance -- Just the Food
Green Lite Bites -- Quinoa Stuffed Butternut Bulb
Hungry Girl -- Chew the Right Thing
HungryHealthyHappy -- Lime, Chilli, and Mustard Salad Dressing
Kath Eats Real Food -- Day in the Life of Nutrition
Kaylyn's Kitchen -- Vegetarian Greek Lentil Casserole Recipe...
Mother Rimmy's Cooking Light Done Right -- ...Pork Chops, Broccoli with Garlic Oyster Sauce
Nosh My Way -- Chipotle & Toasted Wheat Berry Salad Recipe
Simple Nourished Living -- What Does Jennifer Hudson Eat?
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