Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Maintainer's World Wednesday

There are Maintainers who publish only fitness tips or recipes that they have developed or cooked; these are the Fitness and Healthy Cooking Maintainers.  And there are some who do it all, write about their fitness, pictures of their food and be inspirational---whom I admire for the balance.  If my time allows, I will start separating them out with another section.  Today they are all mixed together.  Thank you for checking them all out.

110 Pounds and Counting – 3 year Blog Anniversary
300 Pounds Down -- Deception's Dance
344 Pounds -- Private Trainer's Thoughts on My...
Ask Florine -- the Ultimate Maintainer -- Quick Tips to Avoid Winter "Padding"
Garden Girl – I finished my first Whole30! Whoot!
Half Size Me -- Tune in for the Latest Podcast
Happy Weight After -- A Warring Week...
Hungry Girl -- Chew the Right Thing
It Sux To Be Fat -- February 2013 Goals
Jack Sh*t, Gettin' Fit -- Tips for Dealing with the Flu – Out of a Rut, Into a Routine
Keeping the Pounds OFF -- Making a Difficult Call
Keeping off 200 lbs -- Interesting reading on weight loss myths
Lap Band Gal! -- Weigh In & Flashback Friday
Losing 147 -- First Impressions - The Plan by Lyn-Genet Recitas
Lynn's Weigh -- Food is like Brylcreem: A Little Dab Will Do Ya
Maintain My Weight -- Home Gyms and Fresh Starts
Man Meets Scale -- What's really hard?
MetamorFit -- The Rundown on the Best Damn Race
MizFit -- Strong is not the New Sexy (My Thoughts)
Myra's Journey -- Images
My Journey to Fit -- How Knitting is like Dieting
No Celery Please! -- Wasted Time
Nosh My Way-- Sweet and Spicy Pepper Relish
Poonapalooza -- Time is NOT on my side
Prior Fat Girl -- Healthy Hotel Living?
Refuse to Regain -- Are You Nifty over Fifty?...
Roni’s Weigh -- Tough Mudder Madness
The Fit Bee -- Vegan Protein Powder Review...
Tracy Reifkind's Training Food and Thought -- Making Your Own Rules
Undressed Skeleton -- Honey Avocado Cocoa Spread: Got Toast?
Weight Off My Shoulders -- EVERY runner should...
welcome to my world --  Beast Infirmary   -- you may have to scroll down

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