Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Maintainer's World Wednesday

I like to see those who are setting goals and making plans for the coming year; the year recaps are also great.  I am learning a lot for myself; I have been journaling for while now and I set goals in my head but I have never set out with intention to actually write them down. Also, I am noticing a little bit of beating ones self up out there.  What I want to say is that the New Year will come and you will get back on the wagon.  I just take one day at a time and not take on the entire season.  You are talking from October 31st to January 1st, why, why, why put that much pressure on yourself.  My mother is a very pragmatic woman (just deal with it, it's going to come around whether you want it to or not).  Yes, I am turning into my mother (this can be good and bad), because we know the Holiday season is coming around each year just like Girl Scout Cookie time (which used to be worse for me than the Holidays!!!), seriously.  I mentally prepare for these seasons. I actually gave up Girl Scout Cookies at least 8 years ago (not sure of the exact date).  I said that next year I would not buy any cookies (if I did, they would stay there with the Girl Scouts) and I didn't.  It happens when you consciously make a choice, stick with it and then you just forget about it.  I hadn't thought about Girl Scout Cookies until I needed an analogy to go with the Holiday Season.  And no you don't have to give up Girl Scout Cookies or the Holiday Season but I think for those of us who have issues with food, giving up something and/or paying attention to what goes in our mouths is important. Dr. Berkeley (Refuse to Regain) in her last week post said this:  " trigger foods which are so ubiquitous at this time of year set off the body's addiction pathways.  Sugar gets into your system and it stages a take over.  Before you know it, there's been a coup and you are no longer in control of your eating..."
I know this to be true for ME and I own it.  Sugar may not be the root of all evil for all but during this coming year, explore your triggers, know them and prepare for the seasons because they'll be coming around again!!!

110 Pounds and Counting – Lovely Lebanese
Debby Weighs In – A Bit on This 'n That

Fit to the Finish – The Diets Do Not Work Myth Exposed

Fixing Myself Happy -- A Quick Post

Garden Girl – Narrow carb window in weight maintenance

Half Size Me -- Tune in for the Latest Podcast

Happy Weight After - Just the Sporadic Weight Update...

Hungry Girl -- Chew the Right Thing

It Sux To Be Fat -- Managing Holiday Treats -- Chose, Lose

Keeping the Pounds Off! – I Dropped to Fifty, As Suggested

Lap Band Gal! -- What Day is Today?

Myra's Journey -- It's All In Your Mind

Poonapalooza -- Tis the season to treat your body like the temple it is

Prior Fat Girl -- Reflecting.

Refuse to Regain – Food, Violence and How we Fool Ourselves:  Just My Opinion

Roni’s Weigh -- Which Came First, the Fat or the Crap?

The Fit Bee -- Busy Season

The Anti-Jared -- Because People Will Hate You

Tracy Reifkind's Training Food and Thought -- Stop it! And then Put Something Different  Into Action

Weight Off My Shoulders -- My 30s Freakin Rock So Far...

Welcome to my World - Stop Acting Stupid

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