I have been a blog stalker (there is a better word I could of used) for a very long time. I read many of the popular blogs (hint: one made into a movie) from the beginning. I have always been fascinated by what makes a person this, or what makes a person that, or how did she do this or that, hence my fascination with blogs. It's been very hard for me to start one because I wanted to first be consistent and second, authentic. I wanted to know what I wanted and what I didn't want. I love when I am compiling this post and reading what's going on in the Maintaining World, it truly gives me strength. My favorite is to read everyone's story, where they came from, how much they have lost, and how they are Maintaining. I love that everyone has come to this juncture from different paths. I am for all different diet plans and weight loss regimens (the path) and there are plenty; but Maintaining is truly where my heart is. It's so hard to be out here (and we're not famous people) and lose weight, gain it all back, lose weight, gain it all back.... We have to start promoting Weight Maintenance, yes, we have lost that 40, 50, 60+ lbs and we want to keep going or just stay the same and we want to do it within the same context of weight loss, with enthusiasm and encouragement. I think the thing about maintaining is that for the most part it's invisible. Many people are maintainers and don't even know it or think of themselves that way. I am always
110 Pounds and Counting – Healthier Holiday Snacking
300 Pounds Down -- I was interviewed on Crossfit Radio!!! However...
At Goal Weight Watcher -- I'm Still Weak
Fit to the Finish – Have You Taken the Time to Measure Lately?
Fixing Myself Happy -- Mid Week and Moving Day
Garden Girl – 10 Months Weight Maintenance update
Half Size Me -- Tune in for the Latest Podcast
Happy Weight After - Just the Sporadic Weight Update...
hopfulandfree -- of fairy tales, thin privilege and dominant social discourses (part two)
Hungry Girl -- Chew the Right Thing
It Sux To Be Fat -- Pack a Snack - Weekly Weigh In
Keeping it Off -- Whole 30: Week 1
Keeping the Pounds Off! – Process This Part II
Poonapalooza -- Tis the season for burning quads
Prior Fat Girl -- Finding relaxation.
Refuse to Regain – Drop and Give Me Fifty!
Roni’s Weigh -- Do You Ask for the Support You Need?
Tracy Reifkind's Training Food and Thought -- The Day I Stopped Being a Compulsive Overeater (part one)
Weight Off My Shoulders -- Girls on the Run and Walter's Run 5K
Welcome to my World - The Weight of the World Off My Shoulders
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