Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Maintainer's World

First of all Thanks for your patience, as my blog was a MESS.  I had a vision of what I wanted but it just wasn't translating in any program that I could navigate.  As stated last week, I am back this week with a few added blogs. I have missed putting all this together but I have definitely kept up, can't help it.  The maintaining community is not a large one but not a small one either.  I like it when people comment or email that they didn't know about this person or that person.
Have a Great Day!!!! 
Just Added


What's New?
The Water Habit, Lemons, Straws & Life Lessons Read Between the Lines... Clean out the Fridge Day Again
WW Simple Start Extra! Extra! Read all About It! Speedbump ...Debby's Fried Rice
Lifting and Changing Focus Pictures Tell the Story... 2 years of making friends with dietary fat...
Tune in for Heather's weekly Podcast
This post will put you to sleep...Walking in Circles Strip out the useful parts... The Saving Grace of Packing a Lunch
Let's Cruise Back in Time Rejecting the Diet Mentality Regrowing my fingernails I Believe
...snow cheeks, a productive morning... Simple Closet, Simple Menu A Day in my Pouch Everyday Zen
Fitness Maintainers
Ultra Running While Pregnant Injury and Energy... Unfortunately, I'm afraid you're always going to... ...If I'm being honest
Paralyzed by Minutiae ...Pacific Ocean Crossfit Chronicles... Yoga is headstands
USAFit Half Marathon Recap! What ATE and WORE (and RUN)... Family Vacation Plans I'm Not a Food Blogger, or a Cookbook author...
Overall Thoughts on the Dopey Challenge Crossfit Open 13.4 WOD
Healthy Cooking Maintainers  Caution: possible food cravings below!!!

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